Tuesday, January 17, 2012

PCR pictures :D

This is PCR 169 and it is the first PCR where we were actually able to see some nice rail DNA without the scary wiggly streaky things (possibly caused by the snow-flaky substance in the DNA). After Dr. Kirchman cleaned up the DNA removing any proteins our other materials that could have contaminated it during extraction, we were able to see the DNA even though it wasn't very pretty. The first test tube with the nicer looking DNA is a control that contains a DNA sample that we know will work to make sure that if the DNA had not shown up, it would not have been a technical error.

This is the cleaned up DNA from PCR 169. Dr. Kirchman cut out the DNA from PCR 169 from the gel and cleaned it up one last time. As you can see, it worked and the DNA is much... prettier :). The first tube is a control that is supposed to work every time, and it did. The test tubes with the very bright DNA are the tubes with the better-quality DNA.  The tube on the end separated from the others is a sample of DNA in a different gel so that we can make sure that there is not a problem with the gel that would cause a problem with the DNA.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous pictures! I especially like how they are related to each other and show a sequence.

    You still need to blog about a reading.
